Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our Nationhood

What was the film about?

This film was about the Listikuj Mikmaqs that were fighting for their logging rights on a piece of land that was once inhabited by their people years back.  This was the same area where the salmon raids took place and the people of Listikuj planned at this time for the government to take notice.
What time period was the film set?

This film was set at about 1998-2001

What story was the film sharing?

The residents of Listikuj had a problem with unemployment and had more than enough capable workers but shortage of available work.  They noticed that there was a company logging on a piece of land that they recognized as an old reservation that the mikmaq were relocated from years back and decided to try to reestablish the area for work to support their families.  The government claimed the land as crown land which made this feat difficult for the Listikuj residents but wanted to open negotiations to arrange a settlement for the land to be recognized as their land and should be allowed to work in the area.  When they were refused any negotiations they formed a support group that eventually led to a highway being barrackade.  They eventually camped out at the logging site and drove out the employees (NDS) out of the forest untill a settlement was reached.

 Had you heard of the incidents refered to in the film previous to watching it?

I am not so sure if i might have heard of anything from this video at the time of the news, i believe i wasn't really watching the news as often as i should.

 What did you know of the incidents before watching this film?

I knew very little , not that i was  not interested if i were to hear of anything like this but i think i was trying to finish my schooling at this time. 
 Who were the main characters in the film that stood out for you and why?

The main characters of this film were Gary Metallic and Ashley Metallic.  These people were the leaders of the logging negotiations and without their help along with the people of the community the community might have not have gotten anything out of the logging contracts at all. 
The other characters were the people that were involved in the salmon raid film, the film showed the same men in 1981 when the first raids came and after the logging agreements the same people were present to show their feelings on the new accomplishment.

 How do you feel about these incidents and the response from government and miliatary to issues raised by First Nations?
I feel that the men Gary and his friend expressed their feelings over the loggging issue in the right way.  They knew what was unfair and they were prepared to deal with the consequences of their actions because they knew they were right.  The government tends to overlook matters that at that time mean little to them untill the matter becomes serious enough that they do not have a choice.  Of all this Gary and his friend persisted and they were met with insults (being called dissidents) and refusal to even be spoken to.  Eventually an agreement was reached after half the logging season had passed.

 How did you feel after watching the film?

After watching this film i felt a sense of pride due to the willingness of the people to keep going with their fight untill they reached something that was acceptable and beneficial to their people. 
   Have First Nations' achieved any of the rights discussed during the film?
Yes, the people of Listikuj opened up discussions on how the land was to be taken care of.  They received about 5000 per square mile i believe of logging area for their workers and also compensation.  Later i believe they recieved more benefits especially after the marshall decision and the film showed that they had  a new fisheries building and had began a snow crab license. These new developments led the way to more employment for the community.

   Overall what did you think about the film?

I thought the film was very inspiring and it gives people the belief to the saying that anyone can do anything if you put your mind to it and to never give up.
  Would you recommend this film to others?  If so why?  If not, why not?

I would recommend this film to anyone that would be interested especially if they were First Nations. I have already recommended to family and friends.

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